CompletePBX 5.0.47 – Security, Recordings Feature Code and more…

May 30, 2018 | CompletePBX Change Log, VoIP PBX Technical Updates


  • A security vulnerability was identified and in FOP2 Switchboard administration.  It is recommended to update the systems as soon as practicable. 

Unique Feature Codes to Re-Record Voice Recordings

  •  Each Recording (System Settings -> PBX Settings -> Recordings Management) now gets a unique feature code.  By dialing this feature code the user can make a new recording and overwrite the previous one.

PBX Recordings Feature Code

  • The new recording will be used in all relevant places in the system immediately upon saving of the new recording.
  • It is possible to assign a password for each recording feature code to prevent changes by unauthorized users.

PBX Recordings Feature Code Password

  • The feature code is comprised of the system Recording feature code followed by *[number] where the number is automatically assigned by the system upon saving of a new recording.

Emergency Dialing from Hot-Desking Phones

  • It is now possible to dial emergency numbers (as defined in PBX -> Applications -> Emergency) on hot-desking phones which are logged out.

Reload Tabs

  • GUI users may now reload a specific tab without using the menu or reloading the entire GUI, using the new tab reload icon.

Reload Tab in Phone System GUI

Fixing data upon Phonebook Import

  • Nhen improting a new phonebook from a CSV file, the system will fix the data to increase the chances of receiving dialable numbers in the phonebook.

Bug Fixes

  • Wrong data in TwinStar GUI dialogue when the slave server was not accesible by SSH.  Fixed.
  • Phonebook import did not work in certain language formats.  Fixed.
  • When choosing a Device in Global Search for an extension that has more than one device, the user may get the details of another device of that extension while seeing the selected device.  Fixed.
  • Attended transfers from Ring Groups do not reach the recepient voicemail.  Fixed.
  • Pickup group GUI behavior inconsistent between new and add.  Fixed.
  • Hospitality module not backed up using Backup.  Fixed.
  • Wrong label in Bulk Modification module.  Fixed.
  • Errors using OR queries in CDR filters.  Fixed.
  • Alias field in Extensions was not considered using 411 directory.  Fixed and moved to the Extensions -> Advanced tab.
  • Inconsistent storage information in the GUI.  Fixed.
  • Storage information not displayed in some server types.  Fixed.
  • Additional minor GUI fixes.

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