IMPORTANT NOTE! When upgrading from version 5.0.59 or older, follow the following procedure (click to expand)
If you are upgrading a Spark system, you may ignore the special instructions. For any other system of version 5.0.59 or lower please perform the following steps:
1. run
yum install xorcom-centos-release
2. run yum update
This will ensure the system will be updated from the correct repositories.
PBX Improvements
- Debian 12 images are now available for Swift devices.
Updated Rapid Recovery software to allow Debian 12 support.
User Interface
- ‘Apply All Changes’ button is now bigger and animated to improve visibility
- Recording file path is now shown in the Recordings Management module to make it easier to locate the recording file in case of need.
IP Phone Provisioning
- ‘Updated the list of Yealink supported models in Device Mapping (Scanning)
- Device name, MAC address, and assigned extension is now visible when editing in the Device Mapping module.
Call Center
- Agent Status column is now added in PBX Reports > Status > (Queues)
- Ringtime is now added in Queue reports.
- Added a new filter to show recorded calls only.
- Added support for Spanish Language (español – es_ES)
- Added support for managing Paging Group and members.
- Added support for adding/removing Pickup Group members.
Bug Fixes
- Email Portal password (General Settings) will now send working portal credentials to users.
- Fixed an issue with Extension codecs not updating to the applied list.
- Fixed the issue on Polycom auto provisioning templates missing text boxes for sip-interop.
- Function keys for SNOM auto-provisioning templates are now saved properly.
- VTECH auto provisioning templates will now follow the correct mwi_enable value.
- Rebooting HTEK IP phones via SIP notify is now fixed.
Cloud recording icon in CDR will only be visible for appropriate calls only. - Corrected redundant entries in audit.log.
- Statexplorer:
- Fixed an issue with the ‘checkall’ button not working in the Filter page.
- Filter data by IVR is now showing data.
Queue calls and Call logs timestamps are now synchronized. - Fixed an issue with outbound routes account codes and trunks missing in the Filter page.
Optimized a query in IVR reports, data should load faster now. - Corrected the ring time for queue calls.
Supervision: - Fixed an issue with unauthorized users being able to access the module via URL.
- Performance/Wallboard:
- Queue calls are now visible in the Real-Time Calls widget.