RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) authentication is relevant for enhancing security and centralized management of user credentials in VoIP systems like CPBX5.

Following the COVID-19 outbreak, the Israeli Ministry of Health required an immediate deployment of an 800-seat call center to answer all COVID-19 related calls from the public. The call center had to be deployed in a matter of days and serve up to 3,000 concurrent...
Xorcom announced the availability of the Xorcom CloudPhone softphone app for iOS and Android phones. The Xorcom CloudPhone softphone app is fully integrated with the CompletePBX product range, from PBX appliances to PBX virtual machines and Multi-Tenant PBX...
CompletePBX VM/VNF now supports provisioning using the cloud-init service. In such setup, cloud-init is responsible for the individual instance initial setup, based on the specific service provider requirements, determining things such as disk space, licensing, etc....
New firmware versions are available for the Xorcom UC series IP phones, including bug fixes and improvements. The latest firmware is available for download here: UC902: http://updates.xorcom.com/ipphones/UC902/fw900M.rom...
In this release
A relations tab has been added to several modules, and there have been user interface enhancements, new PMS support, API updates, and multiple bug fixes.
In this release:
Newer asterisk version, cloud recording security update, added option for saving backups externally, as well as bug fixes.
In this release:
Newer asterisk version, cloud recording security update, added option for saving backups externally, as well as bug fixes.