VoIP Phone

VoIP Phone

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Virtual IP PBX Software

Related materials:

How to set up RADIUS Authentication

How to set up RADIUS Authentication

RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) authentication is relevant for enhancing security and centralized management of user credentials in VoIP systems like CPBX5.

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How to set up RADIUS Authentication

How to Use the PhoneBook Module in CPBX 5

The Phonebook module in CPBX 5 allows you to manage phonebooks that can be retrieved by IP phones. Additionally, you can create custom phonebooks by importing CSV files tailored to specific phone brands.

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CompletePBX VNF Configuration with Cloud-init

CompletePBX VNF Configuration with Cloud-init

CompletePBX VM/VNF now supports provisioning using the cloud-init service. In such setup, cloud-init is responsible for the individual instance initial setup, based on the specific service provider requirements, determining things such as disk space, licensing, etc....

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New Firmware for Xorcom UC Series IP Phones

New Firmware for Xorcom UC Series IP Phones

New firmware versions are available for the Xorcom UC series IP phones, including bug fixes and improvements. The latest firmware is available for download here: UC902: http://updates.xorcom.com/ipphones/UC902/fw900M.rom...

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Xorcom to Participate in IT Expo 2019

Xorcom to Participate in IT Expo 2019

 Xorcom will be located in booth #413 at the expo, Jan 30 - Feb 1.All Xorcom guests are eligible to:FREE access to the Keynotes & General Sessions in Floridian BallroomFREE workshopsFREE networking receptionsFREE unlimited Expo Hall access  

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New Line of IP Phones

New Line of IP Phones

Xorcom announces a new line of IP phones available 2019.  The new line includes four models and a new color expansion unit. The new line includes: two color phones:  IP Phone UC924, IP Phone UC926 with an option to connect up to 6 UC46 expansion units. UC921G - 1GB...

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Xorcom Recorded Webinar Library Now on YouTube

For some unknown reason, the 15-minute length limit has been removed from our YouTube account. So, we took advantage of this opportunity to upload various recorded Webinars from months gone by. Take a look, and subscribe to this channel, 'cause there's more on the...

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Recent IP PBX news & updates:

New CompletePBX Release – 5.2.32

In this release:
Newer asterisk version, cloud recording security update, added option for saving backups externally, as well as bug fixes.

New CompletePBX Release – 5.2.31

In this release
User interface enhancements, Debian 12 images for new devices and XRR, new methods on API, and multiple bug fixes.