Xorcom CompletePBX Software Repository Changes

Nov 29, 2018 | VoIP PBX Technical Updates

Staring from CPBX v.5.0.60 the source of all CentOS 7, Epel and CPBX packages is set to be the repo1.xorcom.com server.
The switch from the standard CentOS 7 and Epel repositories to the new repositories is performed by the new xorcomcentos-release package that is automatically installed during the upgrade procedure to CompletePBX v.5.0.60. 
The xorcomcentos-release package replaces the standard centos-release and epel-release packages. As result of that the standard CentOS-*.repo and epel*.repo files are replaced with CompletePBX-specific files.
The cpbx.repo file is also replaced with cpbx5.repo by cpbx-upgrade package.
For your reference:
– the old set of the ‘yum’ configuration files:
– the new set of the ‘yum’ configuration files after upgrade to 5.0.60:
Pay attention that the original cpbx.repo is just renamed to cpbx.repo.old.
Please note that any manual changes in the *repo files won’t be overwritten during the further upgrades. Instead, the changed files will be preserved and the newer files will be installed with extension .rpmnew

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