IP PBX ForumCategory: Bug ReportChange timezone
Alessio POzzatoAlessio POzzato asked 6 years ago
I tried to change the timezone and time into the pbx but when I change it return to previous default parameter. May be is a bug? How can I solve

7 Answers
Shoshana SigarShoshi Sigar Staff answered 6 years ago
How did you try to change the timezone?
Can you tell the steps you’ve made to reproduce?

Alessio POzzatoAlessio POzzato answered 6 years ago
I tried to change the time zone from the gui system misc -> time pushed save logged out and in but nothing changed , I tried again with ntp switched off and setting the time and time zone manually but it returned as default, as last shot I tried using the command dpkg-reconfigure tzdata in the shell it worked but i think it is not a normal behavior. I will try with oneother pbx I have in my store

Eyal OrenEyal Oren Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Alessio
Which version are you running ?
And which timezone are you using ?
can we get the output of :
timedatectl status

Eyal OrenEyal Oren Staff answered 6 years ago
Hi Alessio
Which version are you running ?
Can we get the out put of :
timedatectl status

Alessio POzzatoAlessio POzzato answered 6 years ago
Hi Eyal
I am using version 5.0.35 my time zone is Europe/Rome. After I used the command I told you before in the shell the time zone now is correct. I tried with a new one pbx 5.0.35 that I have but I have the same behaviour it seems that the save button in the time menu doesn’t work so you can not change the time zone parameters. As browser I’ m using firefox
root@spark:~# timedatectl status
Local time: Thu 2017-11-30 11:24:11 CET
Universal time: Thu 2017-11-30 10:24:11 UTC
RTC time: Thu 2017-11-30 10:24:12
Time zone: Europe/Rome (CET, +0100)
NTP enabled: yes
NTP synchronized: yes
RTC in local TZ: no
DST active: no
Last DST change: DST ended at
Sun 2017-10-29 02:59:59 CEST
Sun 2017-10-29 02:00:00 CET
Next DST change: DST begins (the clock jumps one hour forward) at
Sun 2018-03-25 01:59:59 CET
Sun 2018-03-25 03:00:00 CEST

Shoshana SigarShoshi Sigar Staff answered 6 years ago
If the Save action button does not work it might suggest that there is an error on the module.
Can you confirm that on the Storage tab there are no errors. 
Hard drives must be either set to disabled or set to enabled with a positive percentage higher then 0. 

Alessio POzzatoAlessio POzzato answered 6 years ago
Hi Mark thanks for your reply on the start info page as Hard disk info I have not available (this happened after an upgrade)
in storage I have 2 HD or partition the first one is 26.62% full the second one is 15.89% full both enabled. The strange thing is that I have the same save problem on a new pbx that I have in my store and not only on the pbx we use in our company