Complete Concierge
Hotel PMS interface for MT Manager

Complete Concierge
Hotel PMS interface
The Complete Concierge hotel PMS interface app integrates the CompletePBX phone system with a wide range of PMS systems, allowing the seamless flow of information and correct behavior between the PMS and PBX.
Complete Concierge hotel PMS interface supports full PBX-PMS functionality, including check-in/check-out, wakeup calls, do-not-disturb, call accounting, multiple phones per room, minibar, room status reports and more. Hotel PBX (phone system) compatible with all major PMS systems. Easy to integrate.
With the Complete Concierge PMS interface, Xorcom can interface to various PMS systems to take care of smooth check-in/check-out process, report room status and minibar and manage wakeup calls.
Being able to administer large numbers of analog extensions side-by-side with VoIP extensions and trunks, while keeping system management transparent and coherent, makes Xorcom an excellent choice for hotels with the existing analog infrastructure to the rooms.
See more information about hotel phone system.
License type: Hotel Rooms Developed by: Xorcom
Hotels have special requirements for their telephone systems. For example, they need to have separate call accounting for the guests as opposed to administration staff, they need flexible internal caller IDs, and telephone lines must be closed/opened on demand.
The Xorcom Hospitality module interfaces with a wide variety of Property Management Systems, such as Micros Fidelio, Micros Opera, Micros Opera Suite, Protel Hotel Systems, Amadeus Hospitality, Brilliant, Silverbyte/Optima, Newhotel, and all other Property Management Systems that support FIAS (Fidelio Interface Application Specification)
The Hospitality module manages guest extensions in the following manner:
- Check-in
- Caller ID of the extension will be set to the format “<room_number><guest_name>”.
- Permissions will be set for the extension in accordance with the settings configured in the PMS.
- The language of the extension will be set.
- Check-out
- Caller ID of the extension will be set to format “<room_number> Vacant”.
- The extension will be restricted from making external calls.
- Voice mails for the extension will be deleted.
- The language of the extension will be reset to English.
- The “Do Not Disturb” (DND) option for the extension will be reset.
- Room Changes (when a guest changes rooms).
- The extension of the guest’s old room will be configured as if the guest had checked out (as detailed under the Check-out bullet above.)
- The check-in data for the guest will be transferred to the extension in the guest’s new room.
- Wakeup Calls
- Wakeup calls can be managed either by using the PMS, or directly by the guest (by dialing the *34 feature code.)
- The Hospitality module will send the PMS the result of the wakeup attempt as either WAOK (wakeup ok) or WANR (wakeup not reachable.)
- Do Not Disturb (DND)
- The guest can manage their DND status, by dialing the *66 feature code. (Incoming calls will be treated as follows when DND is enabled: if Voicemail is enabled, the call will be sent to voicemail; otherwise the caller will receive the busy tone.)
- Class of Service
- Extensions can be configured to allow and combination of internal, local, national or international calls, by applying a Class of Service.
- Call Accounting
- Call charges will be transmitted automatically to the PMS account for the guest.
- Call rates can be easily managed by from the Callrates tab of the PMS Interface dialog.

- Room Maid System / Room Status
- Room Status can be changed by dialing feature code 22 from the room telephone.
- The following statuses may be defined:
- 1 Dirty / occupied
- 2 Dirty / vacant
- 3 Clean / occupied
- 5 Clean / vacant
- 6 Inspected / vacant
- Minibar Status
- Minibar Status can be changed by dialing feature code 23 from the room telephone.
- Database Resync
- Database re-synchronization from CompletePBX 5 to the Property Management System.
- Message Handling
- This is performed by copying a pre-recorded message into the voice mail folder of the extension.
- Automatic Resync
- Automatic re-synchronization to PBX or Micros PMS if the connection to either was established. Data will be buffered and executed after reconnecting.
App Updates
see Hospitality section in the CompletePBX 5.x user manual.