IP PBX ForumCategory: PBX How ToNetwork Capture (pcap)
Larry NeblettLarry Neblett asked 5 years ago
Larry NeblettLarry Neblett
replied 5 years ago

New to the product, so am getting used to it, but thought I would find a capture tool by which to analyze SIP traces to/from the PBX. Is there not such a function? Thought for sure a search of the forum and wiki would show something, but alas it does not, so how does one analyze a trace without the need for a hub? Can Wireshark or similar analysis tools be added? Thanks in advance.

1 Answers
Eyal OrenEyal Oren Staff answered 5 years ago

Hi Larry, for SIP traces we can recommend some options:
1. enable SIP debug from SIP Settings module, later on, you can check asterisk logs
2. use built-in sngrep application, from CLI. it will show you graphical SIP trace
3. use tcpdump , from CLI to present/save sip traces, sample
tcpdump -i nic0 port 5060 -s 0 -w /tmp/sip.pcap
will save sip traffic via nic0 to file /tmp/sip.pcap