CloudPhone 1.0.22 – App Software Updates

Feb 1, 2023 | CompletePBX Change Log, VoIP PBX Technical Updates


  • Fixed the issue where the app still rings when a call is answered elsewhere
  • Fixed UI glitches on the call screen and in the dialer on 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max
  • Improved Dutch and Spanish translations


  • Fixed crash when answering a video call
  • Fixed issue with no ringback
  • Fixed status bar visibility on some devices
  • Fixed crash after provisioning
  • Improved Chinese, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish translations
  • Removed video switch when it’s not supported


  • Added toggle for headset integration
  • Added warning about the lack of permissions when starting a call
  • Improved incoming call screen
  • Improved incoming message notifications
  • Improved French translation
  • Fixed issues with displaying the updated display name on the call screen
  • Added call pickup notification
  • Fixed crash on attended transfer


  • Added toggle for headset integration
  • Added warning about the lack of permissions when starting a call
  • Fixed echo and noise suppression issues  Fixed issue with installing a new version when the previous instance is running in the background
  • Improved incoming call screen
  • Improved incoming message notifications
  • Improved French translation
  • This is the final Windows 32bit release, the following releases will be 64-bit only
  • Added call pickup notification
  • Fixed crash on attended transfer

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