IMPORTANT NOTE! When upgrading from version 5.0.59 or older, follow the following procedure (click to expand)
If you are upgrading a Spark system, you may ignore the special instructions. For any other system of version 5.0.59 or lower please perform the following steps:
1. run
yum install xorcom-centos-release
2. run yum update
This will ensure the system will be updated from the correct repositories.
SSH hardening for Debian 8 (Spark) and CentOS (other CompletePBX appliances).
No change in Swift (already hardened by default).
Other Improvements
Operating system updates for Swift
Bug Fixes
- It is not possible to define port in the External Hostname field in the CloudPhone Profile.
- The advanced parameters of the “Default Anonymous Profile” are not added to sip__10-general.conf, which makes it inconvenient to configure some advanced parameter such as “session-timers” for the trunk when the anonymous calls are enabled in “SIP Settings”.
- Incoming calls are rejected when the Register String is defined without ‘extension’ in the SIP trunk configuration dialog (the ‘/12345’ in the example): Affected version – 5.2.2
- PBX phonebook not updated on CloudPhone
- Wrong error messages in some cases
- Incorrect timezone in Fanvil phones after provisioning