In this release: PBX improvements, bug fixes
IMPORTANT NOTE! When upgrading from version 5.0.59 or older, follow the following procedure (click to expand)
If you are upgrading a Spark system, you may ignore the special instructions. For any other system of version 5.0.59 or lower please perform the following steps:
1. run
yum install xorcom-centos-release
2. run yum update
This will ensure the system will be updated from the correct repositories.
PBX Improvements
Download System Data – Hardware information.
Bug Fixes
In certain circumstances, Swift Ultra devices fail to start. When the problem happens, the rainbow strips are displayed on the monitor.
The problem doesn’t happen with other CompletePBX appliance models. -
Unable to open second device settings in an Extension. Affected versions – MT Manager tenants with v.5.2.5
The API authentication token expired after 1 hour even when the API calls were performed during that time – affected versions – v.5.2.5
- After a successful upgrade via the Web interface, the “Upgrade” button doesn’t return to its normal state and does not provide feedback to the user.