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Xorcom CompletePBX Software Repository Changes

Staring from CPBX v.5.0.60 the source of all CentOS 7, Epel and CPBX packages is set to be the repo1.xorcom.com server. The switch from the standard CentOS 7 and Epel repositories to the new repositories is performed by the new xorcom-centos-release package that is...

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Recent IP PBX news & updates:

New CompletePBX Release – 5.2.29

Added support for programmable keys in IP phone provisioning, users can now be forced to change their password, as well as security and bug fixes.

New CompletePBX Release – 5.2.28

IP phone provisioning: new phones supported, new export, duplicate and import added for templates. Paging module now supports more extensions, multicast and passwords. DND recorded to CDR and more.

New CompletePBX Release – 5.2.27

In this release: Improved hospitality support, call center reporting, IP phone provisioning usability, security, APIs and Rapid Recovery backup and restore features, as well as bug fixes.