When the power supply of the old PABX failed three times within a single month, and only a few untested and pre-used spare parts could be sourced from a dusty old warehouse at an unjustifiable cost, it was time for this boutique hotel to seriously consider upgrading to a new phone system.
The hotel’s telephone provider and technology supplier proposed a new system with serious drawbacks, in order to cut costs. However, for roughly the same “discounted” price, it was possible for the hotel to purchase a more reliable Xorcom TwinStar, hot-swappable dual-server PABX instead, with enough Astribank analog extensions for all the guestrooms and staff quarters, BRI modules for the existing ISDN channels, plus VoIP trunking for inexpensive outgoing calls, plus very stylish-looking new telephone sets from world renowned Danish designer Jacob Jensen for the guestrooms (see photo at left), feature-rich SNOM 821 for their executive staff, and a touch-screen SNOM 870 with an extra SNOM Vision extension-panel for the Reception Manager. Furthermore, Xorcom’s Complete Concierge software interface provided a solution to link the telephone system to their already existing investment in a Micros-Fidelio V8 hotel property-management-system (PMS), to which the existing point-of-sale (POS) restaurant registers are also interfaced.