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Virtual IP PBX Software

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How to set up RADIUS Authentication

How to set up RADIUS Authentication

RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) authentication is relevant for enhancing security and centralized management of user credentials in VoIP systems like CPBX5.

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How to set up RADIUS Authentication

How to Use the PhoneBook Module in CPBX 5

The Phonebook module in CPBX 5 allows you to manage phonebooks that can be retrieved by IP phones. Additionally, you can create custom phonebooks by importing CSV files tailored to specific phone brands.

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Luxury Swiss Hotel Modernizes Phone System Economically

When the power supply of the old PABX failed three times within a single month, and only a few untested and pre-used spare parts could be sourced from a dusty old warehouse at an unjustifiable cost, it was time for this boutique hotel to seriously consider upgrading...

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Xorcom Sweet Spot: High Density IP-PBX for Senior Care

Senior care facilities are often characterized by multiple campuses with large numbers of extensions. Los Nogales in Spain is no exception. According to Oscar Berlanga, CEO – Los Nogales: The end result of the project has been overwhelmingly positive, in addition to...

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Non-profit Replaces Aging NEC PBX with Xorcom IP-PBX

Chabot Space & Science Center is a non-profit in Oakland, California. The aging NEC PBX’s voicemail processor had begun to fail. During research for replacement voicemail systems, the customer discovered that he could buy an entirely new telephone...

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Recent IP PBX news & updates:

New CompletePBX Release – 5.2.32

In this release:
Newer asterisk version, cloud recording security update, added option for saving backups externally, as well as bug fixes.

New CompletePBX Release – 5.2.31

In this release
User interface enhancements, Debian 12 images for new devices and XRR, new methods on API, and multiple bug fixes.